Kindle for PC is a widely popular application that allows you to read e-books on your computer in their original form. But that's not very convenient when you want to share with others a book fragment that you liked. This is why Kindle PC Converter was developed: to help you convert the e-books that you are reading in PDF documents.
The way Kindle PC Converter works is basically pretty simple: it will automatically detect the book that is being displayed by Kindle PC and help you convert it into a PDF file in just three steps. Although, in the trial version, this will only work for a single page, after you purchase it, you should have no troubles converting entire e-books.
The only problems which I could identify while using this applications are that you can not pause the conversion process and it will seriously slow down your PC. This means that, while this application is working, it's probably best if you don't try to multitask.
In the end, Kindle PC Converter is a small and efficient application that could really help you out. It has no conversion limitations and it does its job well, so you won't regret spending your money on this program.